Scary Mommy is one of the largest, most influential and trusted sources of entertainment and information for millennial moms online. I joined Scary Mommy as a motion designer and built the brand for its Snapchat Discover Channel from the ground up. For Scary Mommy, joining Snapchat Discover was a challenging decision, as the demographic that used Snapchat was simply not interacting with other parts of the brand before we launched. However, we took this challenge, and carved out a space for the brand on the platform, by bringing our signature voice and a beautiful design aesthetic. Since then, Snapchat Discover became a place to reach a completely new and younger audience, as well as being a venue for the team to explore and experiment both in design and storytelling. Scary Mommy on Snapchat Discover platform has seen rapid growth in subscribers since its launch in 2018. Now it has 3.6 million global subscribers and even during this volatile time, it's overperforming with an average of nearly 500m unique views a month.